We are a church that believes wholeheartedly in the Bible as God’s Word and Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of the World.

We uphold the classic creeds of the Christian church: the Apostle’s Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Creed of Athanasius.

As Anglicans we are bound by the doctrinal standard of the 39 Articles.

For a great summary of the gospel – follow the Two Ways to Live presentation from Matthias Media.

Our Vision and Values

Our vision is that under God, together at BAC we long to be:

  • Growing in Christ
  • Growing in the Word
  • Growing in Prayer
  • Growing in Mission

We have a booklet that outlines our vision and values with discussion questions: BAC Vision and Values pdf

Annual Meeting Reports, Discussion Papers and other Vision Presentations

We have an online folder of publicly available reports and papers from recent years.

Our Logo

What is our logo trying to say? We are emphasising three things:

  • First, we stand by the cross of Christ. We preach Christ crucified as the only means of atonement for sin, the centrality of the gospel and the work of Jesus as the turning point in human history.
  • Second, we believe in a Triune God, the eternal three-in-one. Three overlapping leaves. May even the smallest child among us be able to name the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • Third, we love Berwick and our wider area. We are grateful to God for beautiful gardens surrounding our building, our tree lined streets, beautiful mountains to the north and open spaces nearby.