Academy Youth

Academy Youth is a combined youth group shared between Berwick Anglican Church and our partner church Proclaim Anglican Church (Clyde North). At Academy Youth we are a community that is founded on Jesus – he is the reason we gather and grow as a community together.

The nights are a mixture of social and teaching nights. Each week we hang out, play games and have supper together. On our teaching nights we also look at the bible and hear from someone who explains it to us or we discuss it in small groups.

Our Leaders

Noah Tibballs Wilson currently leads our Friday night Academy Youth program. He’s studying at Ridley Theological College and working at Proclaim Anglican Church as an assistant pastor there. He loves Jesus and is excited about our Youth growing up knowing Jesus too.

Alongside Noah there is a team of regular volunteers who help run our Friday night Academy Youth Group who are all compliant with the Diocese of Melbourne Safe Ministry Standards.

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